Product Care - Ruan 阮的保养


  • Make sure ruan is placed in a well-ventilated area. Avoid from direct sunlight and extremely dry weather, cracks and degumming may occurs
  • Avoid from excessive impact, keep protection on both side of ruan
  • Loosen up the string when not in use, in order to avoid degumming
  • Store ruan into it's case at dry area after using it
  • Choose a stable platform to place it, or lean against the wall to prevent it falls
  • Wipe and clean it frequently
  • Instrument can be maintained in good condition if use it regularly. It may improve it's acoustic quality at the same time


  • 阮应放置于通风之处,切忌置于暴晒和极度干燥的环境下,以避免开裂和脱胶
  • 严禁撞击和受重压,要特别保护好琴首和面板
  • 长时间不用时应把琴弦放松,避免脱胶
  • 阮使用完毕后,应放入琴袋或琴盒内,并将琴袋或琴盒置于干燥之处
  • 临时放置时应选较稳固的平台,或斜靠在墙角处以防摔落
  • 经常擦拭以保持洁净
  • 经常使用,可保持阮的共鸣体长期处于良好的振动状态,有利于阮结构之间进一步调和,使阮的声学品质日趋完美


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