Product Care - Guzheng 古筝的保养

  • Make sure guzheng is placed in a dry and well-ventilated area. Avoid from direct sunlight and extremely dry weather, cracks and degumming may occurs from the bottom of instrument
  • Never wipe bottom of guzheng with a damp cloth
  • Never scratch the strings with hard/sharp object. It is to avoid damages on strings
  • Avoid excessive impact on guzheng
  • Usually we may not to unload the bridge, unless for long-distance delivery or not using the instrument anymore
  • Put it into bag or cover with soft cloth after using 
  • Make sure it is maintained in well-condition, may clean it with soft dry cloth. Do not rinse with water 
  • Instrument can be maintained in good condition if use it regularly. It may improve it's acoustic quality at the same time
  • Do not handle or repair guzheng blindly when there are noises been noticed. Should consult with professional or music centre
  • Treble strings can be broken easily, string no.1-9 shall be purchased as spares. Bass strings are generally can sustain longer 


    • 古筝应放置于略干燥、通风之处,避免放置在极度干燥、潮湿、油腻的环境中或在阳光下曝晒,以免面底板的开裂
    • 切忌用湿布擦拭面底板
    • 切忌用坚硬、锋利的物品划刮琴弦,以免损坏琴弦外缠尼龙丝,造成琴弦无法使用
    • 避免受到撞击重压
    • 一般情况下,可以不卸琴码。长时间不使用或长途运输应将琴码卸下,并妥善放置
    • 使用完毕, 应放入琴袋或用软布覆盖
    • 定期对古筝进行护理, 可用软毛刷或干软布等清理擦拭琴体,切不可用水淋洗
    • 经常使用,可保持乐器共鸣体长期处于良好的振动状态,有利于乐器构造之间进一步调和,使古筝的声学品质日趋完美
    • 发现有杂音等现象,不要擅自盲目处理。应请专业技术人员检修,或向公司咨询
    • 古筝的高音弦易断,可购置1—9弦做备用,低音弦一般不易断。断了弦要立即补上


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